Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring is in the air

Hello! Still can't believe it is April already! It has been a crazy year so far but it's been a blast. I got to see my friends baby lambs, and they have some pictures up so check it out: Caitlyn's Column. I also babysat a toddler for a week, been making tons of cards, and this past weekend I've been doing some much needed cleaning. My family and I worked all day Saturday cleaning our backyard and trimming overgrown hedges. And somehow, despite the cool weather, I ended up badly sunburned. Of course I ended up the worse since I had no sunscreen on and I'm the fairest in the family. Oh well, maybe I'll get a tan (which is very unlikely).

I wish I had more to post, but I don't. I'm hoping to teach a creative writing class for homeschool kids but I'm not sure how to go about it. And I would like to be selling cards but I don't mind just making them for friends and family. I'm so glad I got a cricut! Never realized how much fun it would be :)

Hope y'all have a blessed week!



  1. Hi Brooke! You might not remember me, but my name is Martha Joy and I met you in Minor Hill last year on the 4th of July - I know Caitlyn! :) I've been reading your blog and wanted to leave you a comment. May the Father bless you with His wisdom, strength and joy, as you delight in Him and seek to serve Him! And congratulations!! ;)
    Hope to hear from you soon! :)
    ~Martha Joy

  2. Hello Martha Joy! Yes I do remember you and it's so glad to hear from you and thank you married life is so wonderful when you marry your best friend and we have been so greatly blessed! :) I hope you have a blessed week and continue to grow in the Lord every day and hope to see you again soon!

    Love in Christ,
    Brookie :)

  3. Dear Brookie,

    Greetings to you, sister in Christ! So nice to hear from you! Thank you for writing!! Hope you have been feeling well lately! What has our Father been teaching you? May you continue to grow in Him and be blessed, as you seek to serve Him! Thank you so much for your sweet reply!

    In His love,
    ~Martha Joy
    1 Corinthians 15:58
